These sessions are 90 minutes duration, divided into 3 x 30 minute segments.
Two people max.
First 30 minute session :
Blood Pressure reading
Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR). (Waist measurement divided by the hip measurement).
A woman with a waist measurement of more than 88cm or a man with a waist measurement of more than 102cm are at greater risk of lifestyle diseases e.g heart disease, diabetes.
Scale Weight measurement
Goal Setting - short & long term goals (3 weeks - 3 months).
Weight loss (optional)
Sleep management (sleep to rest, restore & digest).
Hydration analysis & planning
Movement on a daily basis (setting yourself up for success).
Eating Real Food (eating for wellness).
Strength training for the ageing population (why we need to stress our muscles and bones as we age).
Second 30 minute session :
Preparing healthy, easy quick meals that pack a punch in your day!
Prior to appointment, shopping list will be provided for cooking session.
Lead you through preparing easy, healthy, quick meals that packs a punch and carries you through the day!
2 recipes completed by you, under my supervision.
Third 30 minute session :
20-30 minute exercise session incorporating the whole body in functional movement patterns.
No equipment, no problem - using your own body weight and home furniture, a strength/aerobic/stretch (or all three) workout in the comfort of your home!
